goodies: cooking, tv whore, etc: websites, tv: ai, goodies: icons, tmi: life

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  • *doing the snoopy dance*

    heather13 Nov 30, 2005 17:53

    Thank you so much to cooldecade and _jennilou! You guys saved my sanity...or, well, what there is of it...


    etc: websites

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  • (Untitled)

    heather13 Nov 19, 2005 14:46

    When you are sick and they send you home from work to rest for two days, you should probably do just that. However, I am me and once I started working on Restless, I just couldn't stop. The site has been a disaster since I stopped updating it with wallpapers and then losing domains and transferring other ones...big mess. But now it is done. ( Read more... )

    tv: btvs, tv: felicity, etc: websites, goodies: icons, goodies: screencaps

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  • tv shows on dvd rot my brain

    heather13 Nov 17, 2005 22:07

    tv: felicity, etc: websites, goodies: screencaps

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  • anywhere but here

    heather13 Nov 01, 2005 10:18

    This work week is killing me and it's only Tuesday. What up with that? We have the retreat on Thursday and Friday, which means we have to get up super early, drive into Boston, do all day meeting thing, stay over night at the hotel and do it again on Friday. It's crap, I tell you. Before we (meaning us lower totem pole people) weren't allowed ( Read more... )

    music, etc: websites, the suck: work

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  • if it's not one thing, it's another

    heather13 Oct 10, 2005 18:07

  • Let me say that tinamishi rules. I finally figured out the PHP (as well as the style sheets), got it to work and wanted to try how the PHP Clique worked because codegrrl is the shit. So I download, read the instruction, try to go to my control panel, which apparently your-site doesn't give you. Interesting, right? So I go to the FAQ and realize that ( Read more... )

    movies: serenity, etc: websites

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  • i need to be bled dry to quit

    heather13 Oct 08, 2005 15:37

  • So I bit the bullet and asked him to go to see Fiona with me and in exchange, I would willingly go skiing and enjoy myself. He said, "Sounds like a good deal. Where do I sign up?" Now I just have to wait for the tickets to go on sale.

  • We went out to dinner last night and the couple at the table next to us got engaged. On one hand, sweet...on ( Read more... )

    movies: serenity, etc: websites, music: fiona, tmi: life

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